The switch has three distinct modes of voltage control三种不同的电压控, depending on the value of the hysteresis voltage 滞后电压Vh.
If Vh is zero,滞后电压=0, the switch is always completely on or off depending upon whether the input voltage is above the threshold输入电压过高.
If Vh is positive,滞后电压为正,the switch shows hysteresis, as if it was controlled by a Schmitt trigger with trip points at Vt - Vh and Vt + Vh. 开关显示出滞后现象,就好像它是由一个施密特触发器控制的,触发点为Vt - Vh和Vt + Vh
Note that Vh is half the voltage between trip points which is different than the common laboratory nomenclature.Vh是跳闸点之间电压的一半。
If Vh is negative, the switch will smoothly transition between the on and off impedances. 开关将平滑地在开阻抗和关阻抗之间过渡。The transition occurs between the control voltages of Vt - Vh and Vt + Vh. The smooth transition follows a low order polynomial fit to the logarithm of the switch's conduction.