作者: 888888 时间: 2021-6-2 13:32
conceder 承认
realistic timeline 真实时间表
someone so ignorant as to fall for something 无知到上当受骗的人
i actually thought 其实我认为
i was a typo 我是打字错误
What a journey it's been 这是一段多么漫长的旅程啊
Year of purchase, not release 购买年份,不是发布年份
Pretty similar as me 和我很相似
I commented in another thread 我在另一个帖子里发表了评论
identical cards 相同的卡片
replace every other part 更换其他部件 作者: fdsadfdsid 时间: 2021-6-5 20:53
it wouldn't be compatible with any modern platform 它不兼容任何现代平台
My graphics card upgrade path 我的显卡升级路径
crossed my mind 一闪而过
different naming conventions 不同的命名规则
model numbers 型号
start of a new era does that make me old like the others? 一个新时代的开始会让我像其他人一样老吗?
outrageously expensive 贵的离谱
budget is a consideration 预算是一个考虑因素
price is no object to the audio guys 对于音频人员来说,价格不是问题
unlike your cheap camera, it will provide years of faithful service 不像你的廉价相机,它将提供多年的忠实服务 作者: 888888 时间: 2021-6-9 15:36
loophole 漏洞 枪眼
counter those obstacle. 应对这些困难
Any inherent drawbacks 固有缺陷
作者: 888888 时间: 2021-7-7 11:38 标题: 绕过使用 Your feedback is a totally bullshit 你的反馈完全是扯淡
stakeholders 利益相关者
I bypass using 我绕过使用
any literature or standard technique on this 任何相关的文献或技术标准